There's High Season, and then there's September. It may just be the Highest Season of All.
10) Central New York is between everyone and the school they're trucking the kids back to. Tell us where you're kids are off to, and when you're going, and we'll get you in.
9) Rates are lower, already - on just about everything. So the cost savings are already built in to your trip.
8) September is beautiful. It's not quite the season for the full outbursts of color - but later in the month you'll get an eyeful. For now, think Pennsylvania fields laying golden in the sun.
7. The weather is cooler - finally. All that golden feels a lot better if you're not baking under it. Get out and enjoy some of it.
6. Crowds are far smaller. We love the kids, but there's a sort of fever pitch the National Baseball Hall of Fame reaches in July. That's over now, and the beauty and dignity of the sport, ahem, is far better appreciated with fewer "younger patrons."
Spend a little quality time.
5. You used to travel every September. Here's just a little reminder. It's a season of memories, of aspirations, of old friends you got to see again, and a hundred different things you didn't have a chance to do. Let's do some of them.
4. The B & B Ranch swimming pool doesn't close after Labor Day. Nor do the woods, the fields, the trails and the sauna and steam room.
The sky is magnificent - and it's open all month, for free!
3. How about something outstanding from the Kitchen? All reservations are still going to include three-course breakfasts, and five course dinners. No cleaning up. No prep necessary. Just tell us what you're having.
2. Check out the buzz in some of the smaller college towns nearby. Both SUNYs at Cobleskill and Oneonta are hopping again, but just getting there is a dream come true. Take in some shops or some antiques - and enjoy getting there. Or just imagine a September drive to some of the Antique Shops in the greater Cooperstown area.
1. The number one reason, though, is still, cause you haven't taken off - just the two or three of you - yet this year. Living it up isn't a luxury. It's not something we do just to tell the neighbors or to post our selfies on Facebook.
We suspect the drive here will remind you who and what we all hoped we could be, and how we can still be it. Good food, good friends, some horses and a little bit of country.
There's nothing else quite like it.